Free To Every Soul!

To whom it may concern:

For the last ten years Yvonne Erman, Owner of Y Karaoke Kompany has found a unique way to give back to the community by hosting her Annual Haunted House. The Haunted House consists of a maze of differently themed rooms. The tour starts in the garage and continues into the side and all around the back yard, giving visitors over 2500 sq ft of ghosts and ghouls. There is NEVER a charge to enter and the haunt is suitable for ALL AGES.  

Over a thousand people visited the haunt last year alone. Many people have commented that this haunt should be in the paper and/or on the news. In 2010, Marlene Tosanco, editor for the Press Enterprise, featured the haunt online at PE.com. It is also featured and rated in the top area haunts on HauntWorld.com. We are excited to add the Fool’s Funeral Home to our themed rooms this year, complete with a real coffin. Also visit Zombiesteria, The Lost Mummy’s Tomb, Circus De Kill, The Morgue, The Meat Locker, Love after Death, the Butcher Shop, Freddie’s Junk Yard and more. You can see pictures from past haunts at www.mistressyvonneshauntedhouse.com. 

We would so like to invite you to come and pre-tour our event and hopefully feature it in your publication. If you cannot do a press article on our haunt, we hope that you will place the listing in The Guide or the Community News section of your publication. Whichever you can do, please notify us of what section it shall appear.

Tour times for this season will be: Friday, October 25th, Saturday, October 26th , Sunday, October 27th and Thursday, October 31st from dusk until 10pm.

If you’d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Yvonne Erman, she can be reached directly at (951) 347-0792 or emailed at Yvonne@Ykaraokekompany.com.

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.